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JUNIORS - For boys aged 7 to 12

 (Leaders - Melville (OIC), Nick & Stuart) 

We normally meet on Tuesday evenings from 5.40PM to 7.10PM at The Ellen Hinde Hall, Chapel Street, Bloxham.


Activities include basketball, kwik cricket, table tennis, pool, uni-hoc, team games, crafts, trips, camping, figure marching, community projects, first aid and much more.


Call on (07880) 321255 for more details.


COMPANY - For young men aged 11 to 14

& SENIORS - For young men aged 15 to 18

 (Leaders/Helpers - Nick (OIC), Craig, Joe, Max & Tim)

Both sections normally meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:15PM to 9PM at The Ellen Hinde Hall, Chapel Street, Bloxham.


Activities which are led by our Seniors, include a range of indoor and outdoor sports, expeditions, camping, badgework, community projects and much more.


Call on (07880) 321255 for more details.



ANCHORS - For boys aged 5,6 and 7

 (Leaders/Helpers - Michael (OIC), Annette & Steph)

We normally on Tuesday evenings at The Ellen Hinde Hall, Chapel Street, Bloxham from 4:30PM - 5:30PM.


Activities include games, story time and craft activities.


Call on (07880) 321255 for more details.

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